VR Blog 10(Week 12)


This was the last week before submissions. We had completed all aspects of our game but there were a few hiccup that needed to be fixed. We had a few mechanics not work like a rare few data packets don't fragment when they are destroyed and still collide with the Firewall. When the player would press the alternative trigger button and try to grab the gun it would fall and the player won't be able to pick it back up. Small issue like this popped up which were easily fixable. During testing I found these bugs and reported them to Kunal and he was easily able to fix it.

Every time I went in to record a gameplay video there were minor issues so we would keep bouncing between I and Kunal's room getting a new build from his to coming and recording in mine. Recording did annoy me a little bit as the game worked exactly as designed. We designed the player to feel a bit frustrated with the ads popping up and blocking their vision. Finally I was able to get a good video recording.

Because of an internal communication issue our GDD was not ready for presentation and so we took a small break from engine to work on our documents. By the weekend we had all documents ready to go.

This semester was a challenge, it had its ups and downs and has show me my strengths and weaknesses. As much as I am heartbroken we could not continue with our first concept, this entire journey has prepared me for the next semester. Right after submitting our project I am going to begin planning. I eagerly look forward to the next semester.

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