In week 5 I had made our base world. The first iteration of the backstory was- Humanity is heading down towards crisis as our environment is failing us. So as a quick and easy solution scientists created a bio organism that would consume all the pollutants and while fertilizing the land making it rich for plants to grow. Through consuming more these beings become more chaotic and turn on humans. Now with this other calamity people have turned towards plants and how they can be used to bring down these monsters. eventually after years of fighting and evading monsters people are able to fuse the power of nature in blades and kill the monsters. Over time the botanist that found the solution turned against the scientists who created the bio beings calling them the maker of monsters. Eventually humanity was divided into 2 factions. Over the years the botanist that were on the winning side had claimed the bio beings and their makers are monsters that brought ruin to their land and so must be purged. The player is born and raised on the botanist’s side. The player thinks that their cause is just but as they go on their journey they realise that they are wrong and the scientist group are people too.
The approach that I wanted to take to build the world was so show how quick solutions could adversely effect in the long run. I did this by showing how the bio beings that were created to save humanity from their polluted environment turned against them. I imagined these monsters to look like-
The image on the left is from the movie The Blob (1958) and the image on the right is a character from the League of Legends game called Zac.
Every time the player killed the a monster in game the body of the monster decomposes and creates plants in that zone similar to this-
I also wanted to play a bit with propaganda and I showed this by how once the botanist/ naturists came into power they claimed their cause to be right and called the scientists and bio beings monsters. This inspiration came from Last of us 2-
Last of us 2- The Seraphites Faction Combining all this I created a base world that would answer all question as to why humanity has split, why do bio beings attack people and what are people fighting for. The next step was to flesh out the world on this framework.