My DnD and Character Stories

  • The Gunslinger

    This is the first DnD character I wrote but never used in a game. To write this character I first established the parents backstory before getting to the character.

  • The Faceless Thief

    This is my first DnD character that I played. I used this character in the short adventure- Lost mine of Phandelver.

  • Let's Bath in Gold

    This is the character I used in a 1 shot game. I have great detail about the family so the DM could use them in the story when ever he wants.

  • The Failed Chosen

    This is one of my recent characters I have worked on.

  • The Gunslinger

    This is the first DnD character I wrote but never used in a game. To write this character I first established the parents backstory before getting to the character.

  • The Faceless Thief

    This is my first DnD character that I played. I used this character in the short adventure- Lost mine of Phandelver.